Memes for the Soul

Okay, so we all know we’re spending waaaay too much time on the internet. No judgement. We’re all about the meme life. So, I decided to make my own. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Some snappy quips and TMI are imminent. Proceed with caution!

  1. COVID-19 + Wheelchair = Problems


Every wheelchair user knows this struggle. With COVID-19 it’s sometimes hard to keep your hands especially clean.

2. Evil goose knows the disabled parking struggle


People confronting me about parking in a disabled spot definitely rubs me the wrong way. Do you not see the wheelchair? I literally look like the sign!

3. it’s not you…or my disability… it’s me.


There’s not much more I can say here except “the truth hurts”. Dating is hard for everyone.

4. So. Much. Blood.


Sorry for the TMI, but seriously though. Where my SCI people at?

“It’s like The Shining in the toilet.” -Key & Peele

5. So funny. Not.


I can only fake laugh so many times. No, there’s not a speed limit. No, I’m not going to get a speeding ticket. No, I’m not going to “be careful”. No, it isn’t funny the more I hear it…but I will fake a smile for your self-esteem.

6. …So, I get It…

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Let me guess, you’ve broken your leg at some point… or maybe you know an old person… or maybe you know an old person who has broken their leg… or maybe your friend’s sister’s roommate’s cousin has the same thing I do… Trust me, it’s different for everyone. You don’t get it.

7. Excuse Me, What?!


Again, sorry for the TMI. But, let’s be real. SCIs screw up your nervous system… and sometimes things happen. I can’t help it… so let’s not make it weird…or weirder…

8. Is this Inspiration Porn?

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Ah, what a classic. Some disabled people are inspirations… just not all of them…

Leaving the house: Not an inspiration

Winning a Paralympic gold medal: Inspiration

Grocery shopping: Not an inspiration

Getting a PhD: Inspiration

Walking my dog: Not an inspiration

Dog walking me: Canine Inspiration

Glad we straightened this out.

9. This for real happened. It hurt so bad.


I can honestly tell you it took all of my composure to not laugh myself into a coma during this conversation. It was the epitome of “grin and bear it”. In case you’re not sure, the answer is upper body. Wheelchairs rely on arms…definitely YouTube it.

10. Please, No.

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Since I frequently hang out with other wheelchair users, this happens a lot. Like, I cannot even tell you… At Disneyland once, it happened four times in an hour…. As much as it might amuse you, I’m not going to race for your entertainment in a random public place… If you want to see me race, catch me at Tokyo 2020. (Hopefully. Please COVID, I need this)

11. **sigh** No.

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How do you think I got in this chair in the first place? Just kidding…or am I? Seriously though, I’m trying so hard to be an inspiration!

Sorry for some snarky quips and some TMI, but I hope you enjoyed these. Feel free to share with anyone who will get a good giggle out of these. Share your own as well! Good disability-related memes can be hard to find!

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